Monday, 13 October 2014


"If you can't be better than your competition, just dress better'- Anna Wintour
Hello everybody hope you had a great weekend mine wasn't too relaxing because i had alot of work and clients to attend to but Hey!the best part is you guys did enjoy yours. Today i just want to share something i was able to learn these past few months which is being UNIQUE!....What sets you apart from the rest is your Uniqueness, we all have our own special characters or attributes  but it is up to us to search for it and let it blossom. It could be your body structure, it could be your personality, it could also be your ability to raise solutions in times of trouble. In my case, I may think it’s my background and knowledge that makes me special, but it’s more likely that what’s really memorable is bringing light to every situation i find myself in i'm a positive thinker , i could walk into a room and make the whole environment miss my absence when i'm gone , I have the ability to make people look and feel good about themselves. That is why I choose to be a stylist in other to use my uniqueness to touch other lives.
So whatever yours is , discover and explore so to shine and be a blessing unto others....enjoy the rest of the post *kisses

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